304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Local - 846 Vancouver B.C.

Time Until Our New Contract & Collective Agreement

Welcome to the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)

Greetings from coast to coast to coast! We are proud to represent a diverse and dynamic community of postal workers dedicated to serving Canadians with pride and excellence. At CUPW, our mission extends beyond delivering mail; we are committed to advocating for safe working conditions, equitable employment practices, and a sustainable future for all our members.
Our union stands strong with over 50,000 members, each contributing to the backbone of Canada’s communication network. We believe in solidarity, respect, and the power of collective action. Here, you’ll find resources, updates, and opportunities to engage and empower our members as we navigate the challenges and celebrate the triumphs of our industry.
Join us in our journey to uphold the values of fairness, integrity, and resilience in the postal service. Together, we are CUPW – united, strong, and ready to shape a brighter future for postal workers and the communities we serve.

Everything You Need All In One Place

"All labor that uplifts humanity... has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."
Martin Luther King Jr.
Human Rights Leader

The Collective Agreement:

Dive into our Collective Agreement, the heart of our union's rights and responsibilities. This document outlines the terms and conditions of our work, symbolizing our unity and commitment to fairness. It's essential reading for understanding our collective rights and the foundation of our working conditions.

The National Constitution

Guiding Principles of Our Union: Welcome to the National Constitution, the core document that defines our union's principles and governance. It embodies our values, structures our organization, and serves as a beacon for our collective actions and decisions. Here lies the blueprint of our unity and strength.

The Canada Labour Code:

Delve into the Canada Labour Code, a fundamental framework governing labor rights and employer responsibilities in Canada. This comprehensive legislation sets the standards for workplace safety, fairness, and industrial relations, crucial for informed and empowered union members and employers alike.

The Local 846 By-Laws:

Tailored specifically for our local union community. These by-laws provide the specific rules and guidelines that govern our local operations, reflecting our unique needs and ensuring effective, transparent governance within our vibrant and diverse local membership.

The Shop Steward Manuals:

A comprehensive resource designed to empower our stewards in their crucial role. This manual provides essential guidance, from handling grievances to representing members effectively, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary.

Important Forms 2024:

Here, you'll find key documents crucial for union activities, from membership applications to grievance forms. Each form is designed to streamline processes, ensuring easy access and efficient handling of important union matters for you to take care of business.


Unlock the power of collective knowledge with our Union Education resources.

Union Education is not just about learning; it’s about empowering each member to make a difference in the workplace.

Delivering Community Power

What if we told you that postal workers have a plan to fight climate change and deliver vital new services to every corner of the country? What if our cherished national institution, with its vast physical infrastructure and millions of daily human interactions, could offer us more? Read on and join us in imagining the postal service of the future.

New Services for Communities
Financial Inclusion for Everyone
Green Jobs for the Future
Fight Climate Change

CUPW Testimonials

We are there for you!
Below are just a few of the Amazing Heroes we have at work, who will tell you what we have done for them.

Your Benefits at Work

Explore the full spectrum of your union membership with ‘Your Benefits at Work’. This section is dedicated to showcasing the diverse array of benefits you’ve earned as a valued member of our union. From comprehensive health coverage to professional development programs, each benefit was diligently fought for and designed to enhance your work life, personal well-being, and financial security. Dive in to understand how these benefits work for you, supporting your journey at every stage of your career and beyond.

Inside you will find your…
Vision & Hearing Plan
Disability Insurance Plan
Dental Plan
Extended Health Care Plan

“Union benefits are more than just perks; they are a testament to the strength of solidarity”
“I had an injury that wasn't noticeable to the visible eye. The Supervisors that were on the floor that evening were totally out of line. My union fixed everything and now, my job is completely doable.”
Patricia Muller
PO 4
“I needed to take my personal time and was denied. My Supervisor did not believe my reason. I went to my union and they handled everything. I didn't even need to speak. I am now back on track."
Michael Clark
P0 5
“I had an accident in the Battery Room and it wasn't my fault. My Supervisor did not see it that way. Thank god for my Union, cause they came in and did a investigation that cleared my good name”
Kent Milestone

Are You Ready To Make CUPW Your Union!