304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

The Local 846 By-Laws

Our Guiding Principles:

Welcome to the By-Law page of CUPW Local 846. Here, we present the foundational rules and regulations that govern our local union’s operations and conduct. These by-laws are crafted with careful consideration to ensure they reflect our collective values, address our unique needs, and foster a cohesive and effective organizational structure. They serve not only as a guide for our current actions but as a living document that adapts to the evolving landscape of our work and community. Dive in to understand the framework that shapes our daily interactions and decisions, solidifying our commitment to transparency, democracy, and member empowerment.

“Our by-laws are meticulously woven to reflect the ethos of Local 846. They are not merely rules, but a testament to our dedication to transparency, democracy, and the empowerment of every member. These guiding principles stand as a beacon, ensuring that our actions are aligned with our shared values and vision, fostering a strong, united community dedicated to the welfare and progress of all.”

A blueprint of our collective commitment